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Airedales in Obedience

Airedales can also do Obedience. Because Airedales are intelligent dogs they generally do better with motivational training methods. Airedales can learn all obedience competition levels from Novice to Open to Utility.


If you would like to earn more, please contact: Anita Smits

Airedale Handlers ready to do the “Long Sit” exercise showing that their Airedales have been trained to stay on command.

This Open exercise requires the Airedale to “drop or down” on

command after being called to come.

CH Pipestone's Curious Georgie Explores


Member Mary Barker and Georgie doing a retrieve over the high jump, a broad jump, scent articles and competition heeling work!

This Open exercise requires the dog to retrieve a dumbbell that has been thrown over the jump.

TCATC member Anita Smits and her Airedale Redcoat's Cool Blooming Jasmine UDX OM4 BN GN VER RN

showing at the OPEN obedience titling level.

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